adrasan_arkadas_otel_3_20110419_1849838110A look at the history shows us that the neighboring antique cities Patara, Letoon, Olimpos and Phaselis were dealing with ship trade. Adrasan could not develop in the marine area because it is under the effect of the reverse winds from the land to the sea. Therefore, settlement started late in Adrasan bay. This has been influential for Adrasan to keep its naturalness up to today and to stay as a clean bay.

If you wish to get a refreshed body and mind during your holiday, you can swim in the calm and clear sea of Adrasan and sunbathe at the clean beach and enjoy your time. If you come to Adrasan for a holiday, one of the things we definitely would recommend that you do is to watch the sun meet the sky, climbing over the calm sea. You should not consider your holiday finished without watching this view. Besides its sea and beach, Adrasan offers you many other opportunities. At Çıralı you can watch the fire coming from within the rocks burning all summer and winter, visit the historical places at Olimpos and see the tree houses that are the symbol of Olimpos.